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ULTIMATE QUIZ 1 - Downloadable Multimedia Quiz ready to play.

Download Includes:

MP3 Audio Files For Music Rounds

Movie Clips

Host Questions & Answer Sheets

Host Scoresheet

Print Off Contestant Answer Sheets

Print Off Picture Round Sheets



Round 1 - PICTURE ROUND - Print off how ever many you need. Your contestants have the duration of the whole quiz to complete it.

Round 2 - RANK AND FILE - Trivia round where all answers have a military rank in them.

Round 3 - BITS OF HITS - 10 very fast pieces of music from 60's to 00's. Can you spot the artist or band?

Round 4 - CRYPTIC RETAILERS - Cryptic clues hiding some of the UK's biggest retailers. Can you work out the clues?

Round 5 - LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION - Play the video clips and then try to answer the questions about them.

Round 6 - GREAT BRITAIN - Trivia questions all about good old blighty.

Round 7 - BACK IN TIME - Another audio round. Spot the famous songs playing backwards.

Round 8 - DOUBLE OR QUITS - Extra points available in this final round, but beware of the trap.




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